Obama and "Socialism" near finished

      For this blog entry I figured I would objectively analyze the so called "Socialist Regime" of our current President, Barack Obama. Though I am at my core a Republican, I aim to judge our president honestly and fairly. Accusations that test the loyalty of a President to his country should not be taken lightly, and he deserves a careful and honest examination.
   Let us first begin with this word we here so frequently, "Socialism". The word itself is open for your own interpretation. Directly from the Encyclopedia Britannica we get the definition that Socialism, "is a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control."
    Now many of the articles I have read claiming Obama is a socialist, are extremely biased with almost no merit to them. So instead of turning to blatantly biased sources of information I decided to compare Obama to the beliefs of the socialist group the International Workingmen's Association.                                                                          

Now though clearly some of Obama's political ideologies have socialist tendencies

Thursday, April 23, 2009


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