The Magazine

1.My contributions,
My many skills allow me to be capable of contributing many things to this magazine project.

One thing, the main thing I am planning to contribute, is a well developed article outlining my internship experience and how internships can be invaluable experiences that are a necessity for student to branch out away from school and learn how to view the real working world, a would that if they are unprepared, they will have a hard tome getting a job. The article would also feature many articles from my workplace

Another thing I could possible produce would be an expansion on the economic advice to our company, that contains information on how the company I work for could creatively utilize their assets, in order that they survive our countries current economic struggles. I could possibly pull information from contemporary examples of economic plans to better understand how I could possibly help my company in these trying times.

The final thing i am possibly considering, though I consider it the least, is editing and polishing my interview with my mentor. Though this interview readers would be able to gain insight into the world of my internship mentors. This could help show how this currnet internship will help me in deciding jobs and colleges in the future as well as giving younger reader a chance to think of their own future and examine the possibilities their lives hold.

2. Suggest at least one (or more) possible title for the magazine.

Oh wow! I dont know


Oh Hey! Internships!

Oh Sweet!! Junior Interns!!!

3. Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester.

how the economic troubles personally effect your job as an intern
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


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