For our most recent section of the water project, we were assigned to write and revise two research questions and find links to relevant documents, news stories, maps, images, video, or other media to help grasp the subject.
My first question is...
What, if any, positive effects have people contributed to the state of marine wildlife in P.B. Point?
P.B. Point, according to Heal the Bay, is one of the most polluted beaches in San Diego. I wonder, that though this location has been so heavily polluted, has human interaction contributed positively in any way to the state of the wildlife (fish and birds). I plan on studying this by calculating what possible positive effects human interaction has had on wild life. Though I feel we, as humans, may have caused more hurt than help but, that doesn't stop me from wondering what we have done and is there a bright side to a polluted beach such as this one.
My second question...
How many of the species of animals along the San Diego's Ocean Beach are native to San Diego?
By contacting local fisherman and seeing what they have caught, and by using past and present data to find a trend seeing how many fish in our waters are non native and a chart showing the ratio between native and non native fish. Possibly showing that non native fish introduced to our area have taken over.
Monday, November 3, 2008
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