In 1846 the world was undergoing a massive change. The civil war was coming to a close and slaves everywhere were about to be freed, and on the morning of March 4th Abraham Lincoln was getting ready to announce his Second inaugural address. He stood on front of a country divided by thousands of miles and ideologies. Today we are not divided as much as to call it a civil war, but the people of today are separated by political ideals, especially that of the Closing of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay has caused some uneasiness among the concerned Americans of today. Though the time have changed, there is still a similarity in the situations of massive change that were present when Abraham Lincoln was in office and of the promised change of Barack Obama.

In his Second Inaugural Address Lincoln was expected to speak with pride about the imminent defeat of the confederacy looming in the near future. But instead of a speech of victory, he spoke with anguish and sorrow. He spoke apologetic words to fallen soldiers of both the Union and Confederate armies, he spoke a message not of separation, but of unity. This is especially evident evident in his quote,
" Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came."
This is a message that can be heard by the political factions of today, that we need not to look at our differences but similarities.

In his second day of office, 44th President Barack Obama began preparations to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, as well as other "black site" overseas prison. This has caused a rise of factions among the people of America. Our current time of is similar to that of the changes that took place in the days of Lincoln, though they are not of the same magnitude. Since the Election, Democrats and Republicans have been at eachothers throats, and now with a democratic victory the republicans are not totally agreeing with president Obama. These factions do not run as deepp as the north and the south, but there is a clas of ideology, A clash that is changing the world.
Friday, January 23, 2009


Martin Arguelles | January 26, 2009 at 9:08 AM

first i like the spelling of your title.

using a quote from lincoln himself is great evidence.

Im stricken by the evidence you chose to compare. i never thought lincoln's apology to the war could be compared to obama's closing of guantanomo bay.

The conclusion really makes you think about the future. because noone can ever really predict how the new president's actions will impact others.

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