Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of "Saggy Pants"

RIVIERA BEACH — A judge says Riviera Beach's "saggy pants" law is unconstitutional in the case of a 17-year-old who spent a night in jail for having his underwear showing.

And a public defender said her office wants to get the law tossed altogether. Julius Hart was charged Wednesday when an officer spotted him riding his bicycle in the 2800 block of Lakeshore Drive with 4 to 5 inches of blue and black boxer shorts sticking out of his black pants.

So this is what the world has come to. A judge has had to decide if a law against "sagging" is Constitutional. This leads me to think about how much the positions of power defined by the Constitution have changed over the years.

According to the Constitution the Supreme Court does not have the specific power to declare things constitutional or unconstitutional, but it also never states otherwise. Because of this loophole, however, the supreme court has been able to abolish certain laws, such as segregation, and has kept certain laws, such as the absurd one stated above from becoming fully enforced.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


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